Inspirational videos and posts, poems, memes, fairy tales, workshops, seminars, sessions, offers and more on my new Facebook page I realized that I have 25 years of experience with spiritual and personal development. Actually a lifetime. For example I remember often seeing my diseased grandfather standing next to my bed when I was a small…
What a week! Almost every step a small success, turning into a flood of contentment. One very happy private client. Three new, really good workshop concepts. Fine tuned presentation/pitch. The results of the latter two things gave three new potential business clients. This works! What I do brings immediate and long term results. I look…
“My first hour with Susan was redemptive and transformative. My second hour completely life-changing.” “Susan carries a grounded and confident but at the same time spontaneous and creative energy. In our session where she sort of guided me into meditation and I felt safe enough to face my fears and insecurities. I find it so easy to…
Soon a new online portal of mine will be online, yesterday I released a fundraiser on Facebook to gather support. More information about what I’m doing and how you can contribute here as well as in the videos below. 5 or 500 Euro doesn’t matter, it’s about doing it together.
My new online portal will be live soon. Here you will be able to access personal development sessions with me as a Flow Facilitator. I also envision workshops for groups and companies in the areas of visionary transformation, vulnerable leadership, group dynamics, creative processes and burn out prevention. The idea is to take spiritual concepts…