16th, 17th and 18th of June at 19.00 – 20.30 CEST – click here to register This FREE Crash Course gives you a rare insight into shamanism and it’s core concepts. On top of that, it will provide you with tools and methods to liberate yourself from the past, create magical moments and flow in…
DOWNLOAD THE FREE EBOOK HERE FREE Q and A – save the date! 9th of June at 19.00 – 20.15 CEST Registration link coming soon!
Enjoy Breathwork from a shamanic point of view. Experience relief of pain and suffering, as well as a deeper sense of self, on all levels. Learn how to connect with your body, soul, spirit, Earth and Sky, Existence, compassion and love through simple breathing. The workshop consists of the following:– basic breathing in various forms–…
Enjoy Breathwork from a shamanic point of view. Experience relief of pain and suffering, as well as a deeper sense of self, on all levels. Learn how to connect with your body, soul, spirit, Earth and Sky, Existence, compassion and love through simple breathing. The workshop consists of the following:– basic breathing in various forms–…
When Elmo the Muppet asked his audience a simple “How are you?” some weeks ago, the world responded. All over social media, people shared their emotions. Many expressed having a hard time and feeling worried about the future. We live in intense times, with all from a rise in armed conflicts to economical pressure and…
(svenska nedan) Enjoy Breathwork from a shamanic point of view. Learn how to connect with your body, soul, spirit, Earth and Sky, Existence, compassion and love through simple breathing. Experience relief of pain and suffering and a deeper sense of self. The workshop consists of the following:– basic breathing in various forms– grounding breath– Body…
Close your eyes and open up to a source of massive power that lies at the very core of you… Come on a journey through awareness and beyond. Experience how Darkness can be Divine, intense, gentle and deeply nurturing. Travel from this space of grace and discover an expansion of your capacity to shine your…
(Svenska nedan) A playful but deep journey into your consciousness through dance, guided meditation and well founded, spiritual practice, allowing you to connect with your guides, nature spirits, dragons, angels and other loving beings. Also deceased loved ones. All taking place in a safe space, including protection against bad influences. You will also learn methods…
Transformation. Det är kärnan i Darkness Divine, en workshop som berör alla sinnen. En resa från dans till meditation, från lek till allvar, från information till känsla – rakt in i själens djup. I grund och botten handlar det om att känna sig bekväm i mörkret. Att kunna hänge sig till dess magiska kraft. Igenom…
Held a Darkness Divine workshop at Gathering the Tribe in Sweden this Summer – it was magical! Read more about Darkness Divine Loving Light workshops here